Articles by this author (115)
- Rift Valley Fever Bibliography
- Rift Valley fever in a zone potentially occupied by Aedes vexans in Senegal: dynamics and risk mapping
- Spatio-temporal variability of NDVI–precipitation over southernmost South America: possible linkages between climate signals and epidemics
- What is AdaptFVR project ?
- What is Dengue ?
- What is EEOS Project ?
- What is Malaria ?
- What is MATE project ?
- What is Paluclim project ?
- What is PaluSat project ?
- What is POLCA project ?
- What is PSMA Project ?
- Where is Dengue ?
- Where is Malaria ?
- Where is Vibrio diseases ?
- Who are the partners
- Who are the partners ?
- Who are the partners ?
- Who are the Partners ?
- Who are the partners ?
- Who are the partners ?
- Climate / Environment and Dengue
- Climate / environment and Vibrio diseases
- Climate/ environment and Rift Valley Fever
- Space and AdaptFVR project
- Space and MATE project
- Space and Paluclim project
- Space and PaluSat Project
- Space and POLCA project
- Monitoring from space
- Timetable
- Timetable
- Cholera, a example of Vibrio disease
- University of Genova Experimental site
- What is AMMA health project?
- What is hydrosphere ?
- Geographic distribution of Cholera
- Who are the partners ?
- Atmosphere, diseases and monitoring from space
- Hydrosphere, diseases and monitoring from space
- University of Verona experimental site
- Who are the partners
- Who are the Partners ?
- Who are the partners ?
- 2010 measurement campaign
- IFREMER experimental site
- Space and RFV in Senegal
- Space and Vibrio Sea Project
- Morocco Experimental site
- altimetry
- Apport de la télédétection à la lutte contre le paludisme
- Article in french - RFV in Senegal
- Bamako study area
- Barkedji study area, Senegal
- Bibliography Dengue in Argentina
- Biosphere, diseases and monitoring from space
- Choice of study area
- Climate components
- CNES teleepidemiology conceptual approach
- Cryosphere, diseases and monitoring from space
- Dakar study area
- Dakar study area
- Dakar, Senegal
- Data
- Dengue bibliography in Sudamerica
- Desarrollo de mapas predictivos de densidad focal de Aedes aegypti en la ciudad de Puerto Iguazú (Argentina), basados en información ambiental derivada de imágenes SPOT 5 HRG1.
- Environment-Climate-Health Programme Using satellite data for Vibrio and Environment
- Experiment in St Maripa
- First Newsletter
- First results
- Ghana
- GIS and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Improve Early Warning Planning for Mosquito-Borne Epidemics
- Highly focused anopheline breeding sites and malaria transmission in Dakar
- Hydrological Data in senegal
- In situ data
- Lithosphere, diseases and monitoring from space
- Low-frequency climate variability in the Atlantic basin during the 20th century
- Malaria and space
- Malaria in Sahelian Region
- Malaria transmission in Dakar: a two-year survey
- Mapping of zones potentially occupied by Aedes vexans and Culex poicilipes mosquitoes, the main vectors of Rift Valley Fever in Senegal
- Mapping Rift Valley fever and malaria risk over West Africa using climatic indicators
- Mares temporaires et risques sanitaires au Ferlo : contribution de la télédétection pour l’étude de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift entre août 2003 et janvier 2004
- N’Djamena, Chad
- Niger
- Perspectives
- Project first phase outcome
- Puerto Iguazu (Argentina) study area
- Regional analysis of the spread of dengue in South America
- Remote Sensing and Human Health: New Sensors and New Opportunities
- Remote sensing and malaria risk for military personnel in Africa.
- Rift Valley Fever epizootic in the central highlands of Madagascar
- Rift Valley Fever in the Gambia
- RVF and space Bibliography
- RVF Virus Bibliography
- Satellite imaging and vector-borne diseases: the approach of the French National Space Agency (CNES)
- Senegal
- South America : Climate signals and Epidemics
- Space-time analysis of the dengue spreading dynamics in the 2004 Tartagal outbreak, Northern Argentina
- Spatial heterogeneity and temporal evolution of malaria transmission risk in Dakar, Senegal, according to remotely sensed environmental data
- Study area
- Summary of first results
- Tartagal study area
- Terra and Aqua: new data for epidemiology and public health
- TerraSAR-X high-resolution radar remote sensing: an operational warning system for Rift Valley fever risk
- The use of remotely sensed environmental data in the study of malaria
- timetable
- What is atmosphere
- What is Biosphere ?
- What is CNES conceptual approach ?
- What is Cryosphere ?
- What is Lithosphere ?
- What is the Guyana Telemedicine Network project ?
- Who are the partners ?