Space and EEOS project

In Dakar, previous results showed that remotely sensed environmental and meteorological data were successfully used to draw high resolution Anopheles larval and adult risk maps in Dakar. The results first showed that high spatial resolution SPOT (Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre) satellite images provided some indicators related to the presence of water in the city. Second, some remotely sensed environmental factors as well as ground and satellite meteorological information, were successfully associated with the presence of Anopheles larvae in water collections studied on the ground. Third, the Anopheles adult densities field measurements could have been predicted by some remotely sensed environmental factors as well as with an Anopheles larval productivity surrogate extracted from the breeding sites mapping (see PALUSAT project).

In Dakar, malaria entomological risk mapping has been achieved. The environmental and meteorological determinants for Anopheles larval and adult spatial and temporal distribution have been successfully modelled and those determinants can be included in the EEOS-Malaria risk maps production chain.

N’Djamena constitutes the studied site for validating the risk models setup in Dakar, thanks to the collection of new entomological field work (dry and wet season), based on high resolution images processing.

In addition, some very high resolution images of Dakar and N’Djamena (Pleiade-like ) may raise accuracy in malaria risk mapping. Results of VHR images processing will be included in the models setup in Dakar in order to test the improvement brought by this type of imagery. If they prove to be useful, they will be included in the production chain.

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