The use of remotely sensed environmental data in the study of malaria
Extract of Geospatial Health 5(2), 2011, pp. 151-168 Vanessa Machault [1] [2] [3] Cécile Vignolles [3], François Borchi [4], Penelope Vounatsou [5], Frédéric Pages[1], Sébastien Briolant[1], Jean-Pierre Lacaux[2], Christophe Rogier[1], [6] Corresponding author: Vanessa Machault Tel: (…)
Spatial heterogeneity and temporal evolution of malaria transmission risk in Dakar, Senegal, according to remotely sensed environmental data
Extract of Malaria Journal - sept 2010 Vanessa Machault, [1] [2] [3], Cecile Vignolles [2], Frederic Pages [1], Libasse Gadiaga [4], Abdoulaye Gaye[4], Cheikh Sokhna [4], Jean-Francois Trape[4], Jean-Pierre Lacaux [3], Christophe Rogier [1]. Abstract Background The United Nations (…)
Apport de la télédétection à la lutte contre le paludisme
CONTRIBUTION OF REMOTE SENSING TO MALARIA CONTROL Extract of medecine tropical, 2009. [1] Machault V, Pages F, Rogier C Institut de médecine tropicale du Service de santé des armées, Marseille, France ABSTRACT • Despite national and international efforts, malaria remains a major (…)
Malaria transmission in Dakar: a two-year survey
Extract of Malaria Journal - sept 2008 Pagès F, Texier G, Pradines B, Gadiaga L, Machault V, Jarjaval F, Penhoat K, Berger F, Trape JF, Rogier C, Sokhna C. [1] BACKGROUND: According to entomological studies conducted over the past 30 years, there was low malaria transmission in suburb of (…)
Highly focused anopheline breeding sites and malaria transmission in Dakar
Extract of Malaria Journal - june 2009 Vanessa Machault [1] Libasse Gadiaga [2] Cecile Vignolles [3] Fanny Jarjaval [1] Samia Bouzid [1] Cheikh Sokhna [2] Jean-Pierre Lacaux [4] Jean-Francois Trape [2] Christophe Rogier [1] Frederic Pages [1] Abstract Background Urbanization has a (…)
Remote sensing and malaria risk for military personnel in Africa.
Extract of Journal of Travel Medicine.2008 Jul-Aug;15(4):216-20 Machault V, Orlandi-Pradines E, Michel R, Pagès F, Texier G, Pradines B, Fusaï T, Boutin JP, Rogier C. [1] BACKGROUND: Nonimmune travelers in malaria-endemic areas are exposed to transmission and may experience clinical malaria (…)