Space-time analysis of the dengue spreading dynamics in the 2004 Tartagal outbreak, Northern Argentina

Extract of Acta tropica, (2007, vol. 103, no1, pp. 1-13 )

ROTELA Camilo [1]; FOUQUE Florence [2] ; LAMFRI Mario (1) ; SABATIER Phillipe [3] ; INTROINI Virginia ; ZAIDENBERG Mario ; [4] SCAVUZZO Carlos (1) ;


The spreading dynamic of the 2004 dengue fever outbreak that occurred in Tartagal, Northwestern Argentina, was investigated. A total of 487 suspected dengue cases were recorded and geo-referenced. Maps of daily cases were generated for the 109 days of the outbreak. The epidemic affected the majority of the city within 11 days. The age-distribution of the cases was different from the population age-distribution. The spatio-temporal clustering of the cases was analyzed using Knox test concept. Results of the space and time geo-referencing of the cases showed outbreak spotlights and spreading patterns that could be related to entomologic and epidemiologic factors. An environmental risk prediction model was developed based on a synthetic multi-band image created from LandSat 5 TM satellite image. The potential and limitations of remote sensing data and spatial statistics as landscape epidemiology tools for a dengue surveillance strategy and prevention are discussed.

[1Mario Gulich Institute, Teofilo Tabanera Space Center, CONAE, Ruta C45 km8, Falda del cañete, CP 5187, Córdoba, ARGENTINE

[2Cellule d’intervention biologique d’urgence (CIBU), Institut Pasteur, 25-28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris, FRANCE

[3Unité environnement et prévision de la santé des populations (EPSP), École nationale vétérinaire de Lyon, 1, avenue Bourgelat, 69280 Marcy-L’Étoile, FRANCE

[4National Coordination of Vector Control, National Health Minister, Córdoba, ARGENTINE

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