RVF Bibliography

This article lists the majority of the bibliographical references on the RVF.

Épidémiosurveillance de la FVR au Sénégal (Dr Sall - DIREL) Introduction Au Sénégal, un programme de surveillance de l’activité du virus de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift (FVR) comportant un suivi clinique et un suivi sérologique des animaux vivant dans les zones à risque (vallées du (…)

extract NCBI website Morvan J, Rollin PE, Laventure S, Rakotoarivony I, Roux J. Between February and April 1991, unusual numbers of bovine abortion around Antananarivo (central highlands, Madagascar) were reported by official veterinary services. Rift Valley fever (RVF) virus isolations (…)

extract of an early warning message from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) dated 6 February 2003 In November 2002, serological and clinical data revealed the presence of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in eight different locations in the valley of the river Gambia. The (…)

Kenneth J. Linthicum, Assaf Anyamba, Compton J. Tucker, Patrick W. Kelley, Monica F. Myers, Clarence J. Peters , Climate and Satellite Indicators to Forecast Rift Valley Fever Epidemics in Kenya

This article lists the majority of the bibliographical references on the RVF Virus.

http://www.geospatialhealth.unina.i...Rift Valley fever dynamics in Senegal: a project for pro-active adaptation and improvement of livestock raising management

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